Organizație VERNICOLOR S.A.
Locație România, Palota
Standard SR EN ISO 14001:2015
Nr. Certificat UIG – 103 – EL – 430
Domenii Injectare mase plastice. Asamblare componente din plastic. Decorarea pieselor din plastic prin cromare și vopsire.
Status Valabil
Organization VERNICOLOR S.A.
Location Romania, Palota
Standard SR EN ISO 14001:2015
No. Certificate UIG – 103 – EL – 430
Domain Injection molding. Assembly of plastics components.
Decoration of plastics parts by chrome plating and painting.
Status Valid
Organization VERNICOLOR S.A.
Standort Rumänien, Palota
Standard SR EN ISO 14001:2015
Zertifikatsnummer UIG – 103 – EL – 430
Feld Kunststoffspritzguss, Kunststoffkomponenten Montage.
Dekoration von Kunststoffteilen durch Verchromen und Malerei.
Status Gültigkeit